Led by Work Package 2, consortium members and partners participated in a specialised and hybrid Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Implementation Research. A total of 83 persons from the Ministry of Health, Ghana Food and Drugs Authority, University of Health and Allied Sciences and the three research centres of the Ghana Health Service participated in this training. This course was conducted in collaboration with the WHO/TDR African Regional Training Centre (ARTC) in Implementation Research at the University of Ghana School of Public Health and WHO/TDR. The MOOC is an online course organised on a regular basis by WHO/TDR.
Using a hybrid system of online and in-person training, the “Specialised MOOC” was organised by SAVING to suit the target population to reduce the attrition rate and to ensure that all registered participants complete the entire course on schedule. All participants were invited to take three modules in three sessions (September 30, October 20 and November 3) during which the facilitators, Professors Evelyn Ansah, Margaret Gyapong, Olumide Ogundahunsi and Touyo Okorosobo, explained various topics and concepts to participants to aid their understanding of the IR concept.
This introductory course in Implementation Research will be followed by detailed, hands-on training and execution of proposed IR projects in respective partner institutions.